I am reaching out to you because you have been loyal supporters of AB 521 and your help is required again. We are facing an anti-hunting / anti CADFW sentiment in our first Senate Committee review. Again, we are faced with the argument that fee charged to hunters should cover the entire cost of their activity. Understand, this is the same argument that took out Bobcat trapping and the anti’s are going to blueprint and bring at us on all levels. We need to make a stand here and establish our case for affordable hunting for all Californians, for all species! What is worse is this is an argument most appropriately heard in Appropriations Committee (which we passed in Assembly on a 13 to 1 vote), but if we can’t get through NR & Water we will never be able to make the argument in Senate Appropriations.
We need your support. We need to have a strong showing of individuals in support of affordable hunting. Ideally families/individuals who have not put in for the elk tag because of the cost and or would put in if the tag was lower. I have had this conservation with countless families over the years so I know they are out there.
Please help me rally the troops and make a strong united hunter front in committee next week:
Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water
Tuesday July 11th at 0900
State Capital Building Room 112
Below is a review of our talking points should you need to explain the issue at hand to anyone:
Our underling goal here is to make elk hunting more affordable to all Californians, not just the rich. California has seen a steady decline of hunters over the past 20 years. Hunters are an essential component of wildlife management and hunting generates dollars vital to conservation efforts throughout California. In California, and across the nation high prices have been found to be a barrier to new hunters. Californians do not pay a little more for this opportunity, they pay a ridiculous amount more, $445 compared to $20 in Montana. The average of the seven western states with a similar elk tag is $67.
AB 521 can reduce this cost while not significantly impacting dollars available for elk and deer management. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife Big Game Management fund founded in 2011 currently has a balance of over 9.5 million dollars and is increasing by 1.5 to 2 million dollars a year. The suggested reduction in tag cost would only reduce inflow to that account by about 120 thousand a year. This is a dedicated fund that can only be spent on big game management.
At the same time, AB 521 will generate additional much needed non-dedicated funds that the Department can apply towards the many non-funded mandates it faces. Annually over 36,000 Californians pay over $8.00 in tag applications fees for the chance to hunt elk which generates approximately $300,000 in application fees! Years of conversations and experience in this area demonstrate this application number will go up significantly when the tag fee is more appropriately priced.
If you or anyone you know can help us in this matter please let me know so I can coordinate our efforts with Assemblyman Frazier’s office. This is one small effort in one much larger battle now is the time to turn the tides!
Call, e-mail or text if you have any questions.
Roy M. Griffith Jr.
Legislative Liaison
California Rifle and Pistol Association